I was stucked in the jam for 4 hours ytd night (4 hours of journey is equivalent to the time needed to travel from JB to KL)
I slept at 1 am this morning because I had to do my MATH.
I was woken up by mum as early as 6am because of my sis's Student pass application.
I went back to sleep and woke up at 9.30am, to help my mum with the application stuff.
I switched on my laptop and it auto shut down.
My freaking laptop kena the freaking virus!!! And i freakingly cant do my project. Pissed.
IT always give me trouble.
And now, i am agitated & hungry.
Moved to sg the only thing good was that i get to sleep for one more hours. No internet was the main main main problem so coincidentally, i have 2 projects/research to complete this week. I rather stay at my malaysia home. Parents travelling in and out across the causeway almost everyday like mad, headache....
Now, i can only tell myself everything will turned for the better...

Cheer up!! I still have a test tmr...